Program Agenda

Program Agenda

Date, Time, Event, and Location

Sunday, August 26 Venue: Daxuetang Hall No.1, The Lake-view Hotel, PKU

Time Welcome, Introduction and Reception
18:00-18:15 Arrival and Registration
18:15-18:45 Welcome & Introducing
Speakers and Participants
18:45-19:45 Overview and Description of the Summer Executive Program

Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)
Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
Dinner (Buffet)

Day 1: Monday, August 27 Venue: No.2 Meeting Room, Peking University Overseas Exchange Center

Time Global Knowledge and China’s Experiences
8:30 Gathering at the lobby of the Lakeview Hotel and walking together to the workshop venue
9:00–9:30 Welcome Remarks
Yanglin Wang (Vice President of Peking University)
Video message from Annette Dixon (Vice President for Human Development, World Bank)
Weifang Min (President of Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy, Co-chair of the Board of Directors of China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
Harold Luis Bedoya (Operations Manager, World Bank Beijing Office)

Moderator: Yidan Wang (Senior Education Specialist, World Bank)
9:30-10:30 Session I. An Overview of Education and Development
Speaker: Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)

Moderator: Yidan Wang (Senior Education Specialist, World Bank)

10:30-11:00 Group Photo +Tea / Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Session II. China’s Policy and Practices on Improving Education Quality and Equity
 -  Emphasizing on the foundations of education
 -  Responding to changing needs for quality improvement
 -  Innovative approaches to addressing equity: What works
Speaker: Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)

Moderator: Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break (3rd Floor, Nong Yuan)
13:30-14:30 Session III. Assessing Student Learning: Early Grades in Latin America and the Pacific Region
Speaker: Eduardo Velez (Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University)

Moderator: Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)
14:30-15:00 Tea / Coffee Break
15:00-16:30 Session IV: Evaluation of Teaching and Learning of Basic Education in Shanghai: Post PISA Era
Speaker: Xuemei Xia (Director of Curriculum Development Office, Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences)

Moderator: Ning Fu (Education Specialist, World Bank)


Group discussions and experience sharing on (i) student assessment, (ii) quality assurance
Each group identify a representative to make 2-minute report

Xuemei Xia (Director of Curriculum Development Office, Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences)
Ning Fu(Education Specialist, World Bank)
Liping Xiao (Senior Education Specialist, World Bank)
Eduardo Velez(Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University)

Day 2: Tuesday, August 28, No.2 Meeting Room, Peking University Overseas Exchange Center

Time Focusing on Teachers and Teachin
9:00-10:30 Session V. Promoting Sustainable Professional Development of Primary and Secondary School Teachers—Teacher Training and Supporting Systems in Shanghai
Speaker: Hui Jin (Director of the Interdisciplinary Committee, Shanghai Teachers’ Research Association)

Moderator: Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
10:30-11:00 Tea / Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Session VI: Teacher Incentives and Accountability in China
Speaker: Mingxing Liu (Executive Deputy Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)

Moderator: Shan Chen (Deputy Director, Division of Education I, Department of Science and Education, Ministry of Finance)
12:00-13:30 Lunch Break (3rd Floor, NongYuan)
13:30-15:00 Session VII: Supporting Effective Teachers: The East Asia Experience
Speaker: Javier Luque (Senior Education Specialist, World Bank)

Moderator: Eduardo Velez (Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University)
15:00-15:30 Tea / Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Session VIII. “Good Schools” within a Mile--The Secret of New Quality Schools’ Development
Speaker: Zuyun Shen (Deputy Director of Shanghai New Quality School Research Institute, Reporter of China Education Daily)

Moderator: Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
Q&A and discussions on policies supporting school principals and effective teachers

Day 3: Wednesday, August 29

Time Field and School Visit
8:00 Gathering at the lobby of the Lakeview Hotel and Taking bus to Onion Math
9:00-11:00 Visit Onion Math, a leading education technology company
 -  Learning Crisis on Math in China and main challenges
 -  Introducing Onion Math and education innovation cluster with Onion Math
 -  Observe the online training programs
 -  Discussion and reflections
Speaker: Linfeng Yang (CEO of Onion Math)

Moderator: Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
11:00-13:00 Lunch Break
14:00-16:00 Visit Beijing Haidian Teachers Training College
 -  Introduction to China’s system of in-service teaching training institutions: Missions and Operations
 -  Strategic planning and development of training programs at the Center
 -  Visit the workshop venues
 -  Q&A
Speaker: Bin Luo (President, Beijing Haidian Teachers Training College)

Moderator: Kai-ming Cheng (Emeritus Professor, University of Hongkong)
17:00- 20:40 Dinner (Buffet) Peking Opera at Liyuan Theater



Day 4: Thursday, August 30, No.2 Meeting Room, Peking University Overseas Exchange Center

Time Systems Approach to Education Financing
9:00-10:00 Session IX: Education Finance: Autonomy, Accountability and Assessment
Speaker: Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)

Moderator: Ning Fu (Education Specialist, World Bank)
10:00-10:30 Tea / Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Session X. Financing Basic Education in China: From Access to Quality
Speaker: Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)

Moderator: Eduardo Velez (Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University)
11:30-12:30 Session XI: Financing for Disadvantaged in China
Speaker: Yingquan Song (Associate Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)

Moderator: Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break (3rd Floor, Nong Yuan)
14:00-15:00 Session XII: Public-Private Partnerships in Education – Financing Models
Speaker: Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)

Moderator: Ning Fu (Education Specialist, World Bank)
15:00-16:00 Session XIII: Public-Private Partnerships in Education – Financing Models in China
Speaker: Jianguo Wei (Deputy Director and Associate Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)

Moderator: Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
16:00-16:30 Tea / Coffee Break
16:30-17:15 Session XIV: Decentralization and Centralization of Fiscal System and Education Finance Policy in China
Speaker: Mingxing Liu ( Executive Deputy Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)

Moderator: Yidan Wang (Senior Education Specialist, World Bank)

Group discussion on finance models in participating countries

Day 5: Friday, August 31, 112 Meeting Room, Graduate School of Education, PKU

Time Skills and Technical Vocational Education and Training
(For African Delegation to Start the 2nd China Africa World Bank Education Partnership Forum on TVET)
8:30 Gathering at the lobby of the Lakeview Hotel and walking together to the workshop venue
9:00-9:30 Welcome 40 Additional Participants from Africa
Representatives from WB, MOE and MOF

Moderator: Xiaoyan Liang (Lead Education Specialist, World Bank)
9:30-10:00 Session XV: Evidence on Skills Development
Speaker: Xiaoyan Liang (Lead Education Specialist, World Bank)
10:00-10:30 Tea / Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Session XVI: Preparing High Skilled Workforce: A Global Trend and Evidence
Speaker: Francisco Marmolejo (World Bank Lead Specialist & Global Lead on Tertiary Education)

Moderator: Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)
11:30-12:30 Session XVII: TVET in China and Its Development
Speaker: Zhiqun Zhao (Professor and Director of Institute of Vocational and Adult Education, Beijing Normal University)

Moderator: Liping Xiao(Senior Education Specialist, World Bank)
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break(3rd Floor, Nong Yuan)
14:00-15:00 Session XVIII: Financing of TVET in China
Speaker: Po Yang (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Peking University)

Moderator: Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)
15:00-15:30 Tea / Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Takeaway Messages, Follow-ups and Closing Remarks
Harry Anthony Patrinos (Practice Manager, Education Global Practice, World Bank)
Rong Wang (Director and Professor, China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University)

Reading Materials

  1. World Bank, 2018.  World Development Report 2018. Learning to Realize Education’s Promise. Overview.

  2. Chapter 4. To take learning seriously, start by measuring it.

  3. Chapter 9 Education systems are misaligned with learning (

  4. Montenegro, Claudio E. & Patrinos, Harry Anthony. 2014. Comparable estimates of returns to schooling around the world. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 7020 (

  5. Spotlight 1: The biology of learning. Spotlight 2: Poverty hinders biological development and undermines learning. Chapter 3 The Many faces of learning. Chapter 5 There is no learning without prepared, motivated learners.  (

  6. World Bank 2013. Early childhood education in Yunnan: challenges and opportunities (

  7. Patrinos, Harry Anthony, Velez, Eduardo & Wang, Catherine Yan, 2013.  A Framework for Education Systems Reform and Planning for Quality (  It also appeared in 2013 in Peking University Education Review, Vol. 11, No. 3. In Chinese.

  8. Patrinos, Harry Anthony, F. Barrera-Osorio and Guaqueta. 2009. The Role and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education. World Bank, Washington, DC. (

  9. World Bank, 2018. Growing Smarter: Learning and Growth in East Asia and the Pacific. Chapter 5. Developing Skilled Teachers and Supporting Effective Teaching(

  10. Chapter 6. Teacher skills and motivation both matter (though many systems act like they don’t).

  11. (

  12. World Bank, 2012.  Jobs - World Development Report 2013, Chapter 5. (

  13. Xuedong Ding, 2006. The Development of Compulsory Education Finance in Rural China. Chinese Education & Society, 41(1):51-57.

  14. Xuehui An, 2018. Teacher Salaries and the Shortage of High-Quality Teachers in China’s Rural Primary and Secondary Schools. Chinese Education & Society, 103-116.

  15. Avvisati, F, 2018. In which countries and schools do disadvantaged students succeed?, PISA in Focus, No. 80, OECD Publishing, Paris,

  16. Xue Han, 2012. Big moves to improve the quality of teacher education in China, On the Horizon, Vol. 20 Issue: 4, pp.324-335,

  17. Leslie W. Grant, James H. Stronge, Xianxuan Xu, 2013. A Cross-cultural Comparative Study of Teacher Effectiveness: Analyses of Award-winning Teachers in the United States and China. Educational Assessment Evaluation & Accountability, 251-276.

  18. Luis Crouch, 2003. School Fees, Voluntary Contributions and Educational Development: A possible Position.

  19. Li Han, Mingxing Liu, Xuehui An, 2014. Centralized Development and Teacher Incentives: Evidence from Reforms in Rural China.

  20. Xiaofei Qi & Edward C. Melhuish, 2017. Early childhood education and care in China: history, current trends and challenges, Early Years, 37:3, 268-284, DOI:10.1080/09575146.2016.1236780 (

  21. Rong Wang, Mingxing Liu. Institutional and Fiscal Arrangements for Primary and Junior Secondary Education in China

  22. Xiaobo Lü, Mingxing Liu, 2018. The Logic of De Facto Power and Local Education Spending: Evidence from China. The Journal of Federalism.

  23. Mingxing Liu, Juan Wang, Ran Tao, Rachel Murphy. The Political Economy of Earmarked Transfers in a State-Designated Poor County in Western China: Central Policies and Local Responses

  24. Mingxing Liu, Victor Shih, Dong Zhang. The Fall of the Old Guards: Explaining Decentralization in China.

  25. Mingxing, Liu, Rachel Murphy, Ran Tao, Xuehui An. 2009. Education Management and Performance after Rural Education Finance Reform: Evidence from Western China? International Journal of Educational Development.

  26. Xiaobo Lü, Mingxing Liu, Feiyue Li, 2018, Policy Coalition Building in an Authoritarian Legislature: Evidence from China’s National Assemblies (1983-2007).

  27. Recommendation Concerning Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) (UNESCO). 2015.

  28. D. Ashton, F. Green, J. Sung & D. James, 2002, The Evolution of Education and Training Strategies in Singapore, Taiwan and S. Korea: a development model of skill formation. Journal of Education & Work, 5-30.