联合国教科文组织《全球教育监测报告》研究员Taya Louise Owens博士应邀到我所开讲
作者:钟未平 发布时间:2016-11-29

  8月25日下午3:00-5:00,北京大学中国教育财政科学研究所“教育、财政和社会发展学术论坛”103期讲座邀请了联合国教科文组织《全球教育监测报告》研究员,纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校教育管理和政策研究访问学者Taya Louise Owens博士来做题为“全球可持续发展框架下的高等教育(Higher education in the Sustainable Development Goals framework)的讲座,并与我所师生做交流。

  本次讲座地点在北京大学中国教育财政科学研究所会议室(教育学院大楼402室),主要内容包括:Education 2030, the new global education policy framework, focuses attention on lifelong learning opportunities for all. Target 4.3 introduces tertiary education into the global development agenda. Higher education was an important consideration in the Dakar framework, but it appeared indirectly as supportive pathways to alternate goals; tertiary education was regarded as an aspect of teacher training. Now, higher education plays a highlighted role in achieving inclusive, equitable and quality education for all. This paper evaluates the introduction of higher education into the development agenda, with balanced discussion of historical, critical, and policy perspectives.