编辑:mzhang 发布时间:2018-03-13

2018年3月5-9日,应墨尔本大学教育学院评价研究中心主任Sandra Milligan教授的邀请,北京大学中国教育财政科学研究所评价中心主任黄晓婷副研究员、博士后赵帅应邀出席在澳大利亚悉尼举办的Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference,并参加“Methodology on Measurement of Learning”的工作坊 。黄晓婷副研究员担任演讲点评嘉宾,并作为讨论嘉宾参与了圆桌讨论(panel discussion);赵帅博士做了题为“Exploring the Relationship between Student's Emotional Factors and Achievement in a MOOC Course”的主题演讲。

赵帅博士演讲的主要内容是“Researchers have examined various behavioral variables that might affect student achievements regarding massive open online courses (MOOC). However, little attention has been paid to student’s emotional factors. In this paper, we detected students’ positive and negative sentiments from forum posts of a Chinese MOOC course using a lexicon-based method, and investigated the relationship between the sentiments and students’ final grades. After controlling for behavioral variables such as times of viewing lecture videos and reading forum posts, we found that positive sentiment was not significantly correlated with student’s final grade, whereas negative sentiment had moderately strong correlation with grade. One plausible explanation was that negative sentiment detected in this case did not reflect student’s attitude towards the course, instead, it showed student’s achievement anxiety as they needed assistance to complete their assignments or quizzes. Under most circumstances in this study, these students received help from TAs and their classmates, which may, in turn, improve their grades. In summary, our findings suggested that using forum data to detect student’s need for help and addressing their needs would help promote online learning outcomes.” 本文为赵帅与黄晓婷共同合作的论文。